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Monday, May 17, 2010

BP Beats Off into the Gulf

Just a few words or thoughts or whatever about the BP oil spill disaster. Mistakes happen, I recognize that, but BP, worth billions upon billions of dollars, has really either slacked or been completely inept when it comes to resolving this crisis. This has left us with not only a natural disaster of epic proportions but also serves to redevestate the economic state of the gulf coast still suffering from the lack of preparation for Katrina.

Where is the outrage? Where are the riots outside BP corporate headquarters? Why are effigies of CEO Tony Hayward not burning in the streets of every major city round the world? As we approach a month after the initial explosion, it is pathetic how little progress has been made to actually stop the oil that is daily raping the Gulf of Mexico with 5000 barrels (or more, potentially much, much more, depending on your source) of crude. While there is little doubt that BP is trying to stop this atrocity, why was there not a plan in place for just such a situation so that an effective solution could be implemented immediately? It is obvious that they are just making it up as they go along, and yet they are not being publicly flogged by the government as they should be. Because these roaches of industry have so much money and political cellulite to push around, they are able to circumvent the efforts of organizations like the EPA and get away with only the minimum amount of safety efforts, and have little to no major disaster plan in place ahead of time. BP seems significantly more concerned with assigning blame to anyone other than themselves and minimizing the perceived impact than they do with taking any actual responsibility for their colossal fuck up. Seriously, if this rig garnered record profits, do you think that BP would give anyone else credit for that, or share the profits with anyone else? Hell no, they would greedily horde that shit for themselves and blow each other in celebration of a job well done. It seems beyond ridiculous that when their genius plan of putting a big box on top of the ejaculating well failed, the next solution suggested was (A) drill another well for relief and (B) plug up the existing well with a combination of rubber and golf balls. REALLY? REALLY. Any safety regulations on that new well by any chance? Or are they more likely just going to build it the same way and rush the job to boot?

If ever there was a wake up call to explore alternative sources of energy, it would seem like this is it, but there is little hope that our country will come together for the common good and actually put such a progressive plan into place. There is just too much money in oil, for both the organizations that control it and for the government agencies that regulate it. Never mind that the first company to successfully initiate a reasonable solar energy plan is going to be rich beyond their wildest dreams. That would take time and we want the money now. What a bunch of rich little spoiled cry babies our country has become. We are a people that feel like we are owed riches, that we are somehow automatically deserving of wealth, that we are entitled to more money than we can ever spend in a lifetime on anything truly worthwhile. We could take our monumental resources and solve so many problems but no, we are more content to selfishly stock pile our wealth Scrooge McDuck style so that we can think about how rich we are as we jerk off. Well congratulations. We have now (again) blown our load all over Mother Earth and left her beauty dripping in our cum. At least we can use all the oil for lube.

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