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Monday, April 12, 2010

And Justice for All

Important stuff coming up. Since Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens managed to outlast President Bush's final term, President Obama gets a chance to put another person on the high court. No matter who he manages to get appointed, it will almost surely be a loss for progressive politics on the Supreme Court. Justice Stevens has the unique ability to gently guide and walk the line on controversial decisions and his legal theories and judgments are held in wide regard. Stevens is like the wise grandfather figure. Who wouldn't at least listen to what the old bastard has to say? Who could not at least give his advice and wisdom a chance? He was appointed by Gerald Fucking Ford, for Christ's sakes! That means that Stevens already had had a distinguished legal career behind him before I was even born. No wonder at almost 90 years old he is ready for a little rest.

I give Justice Stevens a check-plus for refusing to give up his post while W. was still in office. I think that it is awesome that Stevens was 87 years old and still giving the finger and saying "Fuck you!" to the President. That is awesome. Especially when you consider that he was appointed by a Republican in the first place. That should tell you something about the eight years we were under Carl Rove and Dick Cheney's conservative stranglehold. I could only hope that at that age we all would still feel that sense of rebellion, that burning fire that comes from sticking to one's guns.

The pressure is now on President Obama to find someone that a deeply divided Congress and nation can find acceptable. For sure, the President is going to name someone left leaning. Most of the names mentioned so far certainly are sympathetic to the Democrat's tendencies. But President Obama, and all Presidents, would be well off to find Supreme Court candidates that are truly independent thinkers and that are really looking out for the welfare of the people. The purpose of the Court is to review and cast judgment on that politicized nonsense that are the laws created by Congress. Recently, there has been lots of bellyaching about "activist judges," but in reality, we wouldn't want anyone but an activist judge on the high court. That is the whole point. But what we need is an activist for the truth, not for the political ramblings and bullet points of one party or another.

So if one candidate or another tickles your fancy, write to your favorite congressperson and voice your opinion. They are there to serve you; you pay their salary, make them work towards the things in which you believe. And if you dislike one or more of the candidates, write about that too. Dissent is a quickly evaporating skill that is employed far too little. It is your duty to make your voice heard above the din of the masses. Sing loud, sing proud!

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