Their first release for Plasmapool, the Teenage Muntant Ninja Techno ep, builds on their already knock a motherfucker out sound. We were given an little inside listen and it is some wild shit. If Valerna know anything, they know glitches, those great little moments that catch you off guard and keep the beat from getting repetitive. "Up the Punx!" and "Burn it Down!" (both of which sound like they should be should be A Global Threat or the Unseen song titles) drip hydrochloric acid on the beat at precise points to isolate certain sounds, only to have the full rhythm back a second later. "Action! Disco!" takes a weirder turn and is a study in bending the tone, reminiscent of manually slowing a record with your fingers. Valerna is definitely skilled in building the tension of the song and then releasing it, and that is front and center on all three tracks. Look for it sometime around June.
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