Thanks a whole shitload, NetFlix. That deal you worked out with Warner Brothers is certainly in the best interest of your customers. Yeah, that deal. You know, the one where you hold back all their movies from rental for a month so that WB can sell a few more copies and you get a gigantic kickback. Sure all that money is going to go into enhancing your "Watch Instantly" streaming feature. Sure. I'm positive that as soon as you cut similar deals with all the other movie studios, you'll reinvest that in customer service and not in gargantuan bonuses for your board. Have fun with you dump truck full of money, you greedy whores.
"I'm picking up on your sarcasm, there."
"Well that's good, 'cause I'm layin' it on pretty thick."
when does a company ever do something for the best interest of the consumer
My thoughts exactly. But my question is, when are consumers going stop accepting being trampled by a company/organization/government that is supposed to be serving them. I think that NetFlix is particularly disgusting because they have gone out of their way to put Blockbuster and Hollywood essentially out of business, thus giving the public reduced options to rent movies, and now are voluntarily holding back the product for which they are supposed to be the sole provider. Unacceptable!
HAHA! Let em have it brotha!
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