Welcome to our first two-part report, profiling film and music production company Sixunder7. Founded originally in Boston producing hip hop beats (the name is a play on Boston’s area code 617), this now Los Angeles based organization has two heads, one for movies and one for music. Not only do they figure out how to fund these projects, but actively participate as actors and writers on the movie and, on the music end, writing and performing the tunes. For a grassroots production company who really do everything themselves, they have been remarkably successful in putting together a professional looking thriller, Cruelty, and supporting and promoting electronic band Valerna.
Sixunder7 Films assembled a good creative team to shoot Cruelty and avoided the cliché of low budget horror productions. Instead of saturating their film with gore shots and budgeting exclusively for fake blood and makeup, they focused their attention on creating a more polished looking film. By cutting other corners where they could, they stretched the money actually spent on making a quality film. The result is terrifically effective; this is definitely not made with Mom’s camcorder.
Kristen (producer, star, a lot of stuff) just happens to have been Mrs. Squeamish’s maid of honor, and she (and potentially other members of the Cruelty team) has potentially popped a cap in the ass of her financial future for the sake of this movie. Sixunder7’s film team have bet the farm and they got reasonable odds that they might break even, or better.
They’re stil working their asses off and hoping for a late spring or early summer release. If you have a chance, visit their website. Check out the excellent cop mustaches in the production stills and Monica (producer and also lots of other stuff) name droppin’ the movie on the Late Late Show. I was able to see the beginnings of a trailer over Christmas, so I imagine that will be up there soon too. You may notice off to the right a DONATE button. If you can…
Coming up, Valerna, the electronic duo from the music division of Sixunder7. Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel.
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