I'm all in favor of having a funny President. In his State of the Union Address the other night Obama talked some shit, both about his cohorts and also his opponents. I can get behind that. I was happy to hear his interest in education, as I share the belief that a education is the greatest asset we have on the war on poverty. However, his call for fiscal responsibility to colleges and universities was also long overdue, as the debt that can burden some college graduates could practically put you on the road to poverty in and of itself. The idea of freeing up bank funds for investment in small business also rang true in my ears.
But I think that the Republican response has some validity as well. Forgiving student debt after "X" number of years? Come on; theoretically, if you have a college education and can stay employed for 10 to 20 years, your income should be sufficient to continue paying the balance of your student loan. Also, the claim that we have recovered 40% of the money lent to banks and other failing institutions as part of the bailout package seems wishful at best, and dubious to outright, intentional overstatement (read: "lie") at worst.
There is no doubt about it, Obama has some swagger. Even though he has not been able to maintain his approval numbers, he makes no apologies for his choices, for his actions. It remains to be seen how successful the bailout was. Obama said that he acted swiftly to try to contain the damage done. I think we can all remember some other times when the government acted swiftly, with confidence and without apology, and the results are mixed at best. At this point, we don't really seem to be backsliding anymore, but we continue to remain stagnant, with zero job growth.
Hopefully, someone will come up with some sort of plan that creates at least one or two new jobs; I don't think that is asking for too much. It's not enough to simply stop bleeding jobs; we need a transfusion. Without new employment opportunities, consumer spending will remain limited, the housing market will not regain its stability and strength, and we will not see the level of investment needed for economic growth. How much longer can we wait?
Both Republicans and Democrats alike need to put their egos aside (and that includes the President), and come up with a course of action that is genuinely in the interest of the American people. Republicans have got to allow Democrats some leeway in passing programs that help provide insurance and a living wage for working people. If it is not government's job to assure such things, what is the duty of congressmen and senators? And Democrats need to grow up and admit that the survival of our economy depends on successful companies, including some global super giants however much it sucks to admit that. Let's face it, huge companies may treat their employees like shit, but they do employ a whole butt load of people. The key is allowing companies freedom to be successful and profitable, but placing restrictions and expectations upon them for corporate responsibility. How hard is that to see?
The finest filth and fury in Philadelphia, since 2009
Like what we are doing here? We want to hear from you. Hate what we are doing here? Well, we really want to hear from you.
email at ihopeyourenotsqueamish@gmail.com
email at ihopeyourenotsqueamish@gmail.com
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Johnny Depp Plays Heath Ledger!
It is pretty safe to say that if writer/director Terry Gilliam wanted to cover any unresolved themes from 1988's The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, he has now answered them in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Both films are about men who are older than is realistically possible, wander the Earth contemplating their choices and dealing with the repercussions, the apex of which revolves around a young girl. (Not in that way; that is not a healthy kind of squeamish.)
Doctor Parnassus is the movie that Heath Ledger was working on when he died (it wouldn't be a Gilliam feature if there wasn't at least one disaster during the filming process), but a distinct lack of publicity has caused the movie, which could have been gold based on Ledger's (and Johnny Depp's) involvement, to be released quietly, and within a few weeks is gone. It only showed at a few theaters in the Philadelphia area and, two weeks after release, it was given only one showing at my local spot (10 PM), so it seems that there is little chance that it will be around this weekend.
Hopefully, Ledger's swan song will gain some notoriety upon it's DVD release, as it really is a fantastic film. The story goes like this: for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years, Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer) has been making wagers with Mr. Nick, better known as Lucifer (Tom Waits). At one point, Parnassus offers his daughter, Valentina, as the prize and the movie picks up several days before the bet expires. Satan has started showing up as he is ready to collect his winnings. Parnassus is desperate to save his child and turns to a charming stranger, Tony (Ledger predominately, but also Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell). Using the Doctor's mirror to the unconscious, the battle for the lovely Valentina, and Gilliam's suspension of reality, ensues.
The film is visually stunning and though the story may have a few plot holes, is a fairly original tale. This is definitely a modern fable, a fairy tale for adults. So be forewarned, this movie is not for everyone, but that is what makes it good. Gilliam takes chances where other directors and writers would opt for the safe choice, i.e. the song, "We Love Violence" sung by a group of cops in drag. Recommended for fans of Pan's Labyrinth, Dark City, and other fantasy movies.
Doctor Parnassus is the movie that Heath Ledger was working on when he died (it wouldn't be a Gilliam feature if there wasn't at least one disaster during the filming process), but a distinct lack of publicity has caused the movie, which could have been gold based on Ledger's (and Johnny Depp's) involvement, to be released quietly, and within a few weeks is gone. It only showed at a few theaters in the Philadelphia area and, two weeks after release, it was given only one showing at my local spot (10 PM), so it seems that there is little chance that it will be around this weekend.
Hopefully, Ledger's swan song will gain some notoriety upon it's DVD release, as it really is a fantastic film. The story goes like this: for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years, Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer) has been making wagers with Mr. Nick, better known as Lucifer (Tom Waits). At one point, Parnassus offers his daughter, Valentina, as the prize and the movie picks up several days before the bet expires. Satan has started showing up as he is ready to collect his winnings. Parnassus is desperate to save his child and turns to a charming stranger, Tony (Ledger predominately, but also Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell). Using the Doctor's mirror to the unconscious, the battle for the lovely Valentina, and Gilliam's suspension of reality, ensues.
The film is visually stunning and though the story may have a few plot holes, is a fairly original tale. This is definitely a modern fable, a fairy tale for adults. So be forewarned, this movie is not for everyone, but that is what makes it good. Gilliam takes chances where other directors and writers would opt for the safe choice, i.e. the song, "We Love Violence" sung by a group of cops in drag. Recommended for fans of Pan's Labyrinth, Dark City, and other fantasy movies.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
H2O Go!

The Trocodero
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Guess I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
I have spent the last few days feeling painfully affected by Haiti, and the lack of progress that is being made as they try to recover from the earthquake. I find myself on engrossed in the pictures being released, just unable to comprehend the sense of hopeless starting to settle over Port-au-Prince. And despite the fact that I cannot divorce my attention and gaze from these images, I cannot find a phrase that accurately describes the hollow in the pit of my stomach. I cannot wrap words around the feelings that make my palms sweat. Though certainly not the first in even my lifetime, rare are the times when you turn on the television to see headlines of mass graves and bodies rotting in the streets and I feel limited in my ability to calculate my emotions. I could regurgitate the statistics, the cold facts, but that is CNN's job, and four days of contemplating yielded few results in what I wanted to communicate. Liony Batista, a project manager for Food for the Poor in charge of importing supplies from the Dominican Republic, said "I don't think that a word has been invented for what is happening in Haiti." The impact of natural disaster of this magnitude on a country as desperate as Haiti is perhaps just not meant for words.
Please continue to do what you can to help. Prayers count as help, too.
Food for the Poor
United Nations World Food Programme
Please continue to do what you can to help. Prayers count as help, too.
Food for the Poor
United Nations World Food Programme
Thursday, January 14, 2010

There are several organizations that are already set up to help.
The American Red Cross
Save the Children
You can text HAITI to "90999" to automatically donate $10 to the American Red Cross. The charge will show up on you wireless bill. CNN is reporting that this , in addition to efforts started on FaceBook and Twitter, have already helped raise $3 million. We need to keep this momentum going. It is going to take years to rebuild--$3 million could be spent in the next few days easily.
President Obama, along with former presidents Clinton and Bush (W.), are working round the clock in an attempt to best serve the victims of the earthquake, and are trying to get both military and civilian relief workers to clear roads, so supplies can be distributed. It's nice to see that, if only for a moment, we are able to put our political differences aside to help those less fortunate. I Hope You're Not Squeamish offers full accolades to all world leaders and volunteers who are using their influence, or their hands, or whatever they have, to help.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
20 Years of Beer and Adidas

Ghosts on the Boardwalk
Chunksaah Records, release January 12, 2010
It's nostalgic and a little bit sappy, but, at this point, who wouldn't almost expect that from the Bouncing Soul's album dedicated to their 20th anniversary as a band. There are only a few ragers on this album; it is definitely their most mid tempo collection, but it still has that kicking bass and poppy drums that has been their calling card for two decades--and the lyrics are pure Bouncing Souls. Every song on Ghosts is about being true to yourself, being loyal to your friends, and holding on to good memories. It is appropriate that these aging Jersey punks slow it down a little, and reflect on their years past. Plus, with a little help from Dave from the Loved Ones and Brian from the Gaslight Anthem, they still have those great gang backing vocals.
The twelve songs were originally released one at a time, on the first day of each month of 2009. So digitally, many of these have been available for a while. In addition, there were four pieces of vinyl issued each quarter last year--three songs that would make up Ghosts, plus a bonus track each. So the album kind of feels like it is a collection of singles, since it is, but that is fine. No one expects the Souls to release another Hopeless Romantic, and the majority of Ghosts on the Boardwalk is quality.
These guys still know how to throw a great party when they play live. For those who missed the anniversary tour in 2009, your loss. Given the extent of their touring last year, I would expect 2010 to be quiet for the Souls. If you are lucky enough to catch them in the near future (West Coast Squeamies! The Bouncing Souls and AFI are confirmed for the California installment of Bamboozle.), we highly recommend you attend. Scout's honor, you won't be disappointed.
Free Shit Alert! If you order your Ghosts on the Boardwalk cd from InterPunk, you get a free patch and pin.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snakes/Ladders EP
Tasty Bytes Records, released December 18, 2009
I want to give Sixunder7's electronic outfit, Valerna, a fair shake of things, so I feel it necessary to confess that I know shit about electronic music. Valerna's new EP, Snakes/Ladders, is available through a digital electronic distributor called Beatport. Beatport divides their artists into electronic subgenres, all of which were adjectives I had previously planned to use to describe Valerna's sound. I couldn't tell you the difference between house and trance, let alone some of the more specific and technical species.
That being said, Valerna co-producers RJ Buchanan and Brett Sorrentino make dance music that I can dig. It's got a fresh beat, and I can get down to it. RJ and Brett have been making music together since for quite some time now, in various different capacities, but started making music under the Sixunder7 moniker sometime around 2003, when they were producing hip-hop tracks in Boston with a crew of local MCs. Relocating to Los Angeles, they were reborn into club music and started both writing and remixing under the name Valerna, but maintaining the umbrella of Sixunder7 productions, which at this point had expanded to include film as well.
Valerna's latest concoction, the Snakes/Ladders EP, is a nice spacey dance record, much in the same vein as their self released, self titled demo album, and premier on Tasty Bytes Records, Oquataninwan. Snakes/Ladders is definitely designed for the club, where it would be sure to be a success with the right crowd, but it has enough pop sensibility to appeal to someone like myself, a casual electronic listener. Both tracks are quality and build to a crescendo at just the right rate. You really can't help but be inspired to shake your ass to this. It's fun, and while it's seriously good, it doesn't take itself too seriously. Highly recommended for driving, running, working out, going to the club, in the club, back home from the club...You get the idea.
In addition to their own releases, Valerna are also constantly remixing other peoples songs, from other electronic/dance artists like Oh Snap!! and Pance Party to Busta Rhymes and Nine Inch Nails. Some of it comes out on actual records, some of it is released just for fun via the internet. (I haven't heard We have Explosive, by Future Sounds of London in years, but when I found Valerna's remix on YouTube, it brought me back to high school.)
They played a string of shows last summer and fall and are planning more dates in January, plus they have something going with South by Southwest 2010. There is also some new remix work with Oh Snap!! ready to be distributed; details are still pending. So all of you west coast Squeamies, assuming there are some west coast Squeamies, put on some nice shoes, cause you can't wear sneakers in the club.
Valerna MySpace
PS- Prophet, one of the MC's Sixunder7 worked with in Boston, has relocated to the west coast and writes his own blog, My Life with Valerna. Subjects include, but are not limited to, Valerna, hip hop music and peanut butter. Apparently there is a different selection of peanut butter on the west coast, and it does not meet Proph's approval. Read up on this disturbing situation.
My Life with Valerna
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thanks a whole shitload, NetFlix. That deal you worked out with Warner Brothers is certainly in the best interest of your customers. Yeah, that deal. You know, the one where you hold back all their movies from rental for a month so that WB can sell a few more copies and you get a gigantic kickback. Sure all that money is going to go into enhancing your "Watch Instantly" streaming feature. Sure. I'm positive that as soon as you cut similar deals with all the other movie studios, you'll reinvest that in customer service and not in gargantuan bonuses for your board. Have fun with you dump truck full of money, you greedy whores.
"I'm picking up on your sarcasm, there."
"Well that's good, 'cause I'm layin' it on pretty thick."
"I'm picking up on your sarcasm, there."
"Well that's good, 'cause I'm layin' it on pretty thick."
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Finally, Cruelty that is Good for You

Sixunder7 Films assembled a good creative team to shoot Cruelty and avoided the cliché of low budget horror productions. Instead of saturating their film with gore shots and budgeting exclusively for fake blood and makeup, they focused their attention on creating a more polished looking film. By cutting other corners where they could, they stretched the money actually spent on making a quality film. The result is terrifically effective; this is definitely not made with Mom’s camcorder.
Kristen (producer, star, a lot of stuff) just happens to have been Mrs. Squeamish’s maid of honor, and she (and potentially other members of the Cruelty team) has potentially popped a cap in the ass of her financial future for the sake of this movie. Sixunder7’s film team have bet the farm and they got reasonable odds that they might break even, or better.
They’re stil working their asses off and hoping for a late spring or early summer release. If you have a chance, visit their website. Check out the excellent cop mustaches in the production stills and Monica (producer and also lots of other stuff) name droppin’ the movie on the Late Late Show. I was able to see the beginnings of a trailer over Christmas, so I imagine that will be up there soon too. You may notice off to the right a DONATE button. If you can…
Coming up, Valerna, the electronic duo from the music division of Sixunder7. Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
No seriously, there is no ALL show at the First Unitarian Church this coming Thursday, January 7th. Drummer Bill Stevenson has had to retreat back to the Blasting Room to recoup while he gets over an illness. ALL has said that they hope to rebook the tour when everyone is back in fightin' shape, but no specifics were offered. Refunds are available at the point of purchase, so don't hold your breath for new dates anytime soon. Send Bill a get well card.
The Blasting Room
ATTN: Bill Stevenson
1760 Laporte Avenue, Suite 2
Fort Collins, CO 80521
The Blasting Room
ATTN: Bill Stevenson
1760 Laporte Avenue, Suite 2
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Burlesque and Bully Breeds
We found a wonderfully sinister, subversive organization from one of the most unlikely of sources--a Christmas present received by Ma and Pa Squeamish. Pinups for Pitbulls combines some really decent looking, retro pinup chicks with some really badass pitbulls and has put out a calender for at least the last three years. Based out of South Philly, money raised goes to help pitbulls and other bully breed animals. In addition, and more importantly, Pinups for Pitbulls also sponsors pitbulls while they are rehomed, provides resources for rescuing pitbulls, and hosts events and a website to distribute information to correct the misconception that bully breed dogs are vicious or dangerous.
The term bully breed animals can refer to pure bred dogs such as true Pitbulls, Dobermans, or Rottweilers, etc., but can also mean dogs mixed with any of the above or even tough looking versions of other purebreds such as American Bulldogs or German Shepherds. In some instances, towns and cities have instituted laws and ordinances that limit ownership or even blatantly ban these breeds. These laws are based on ignorance and misunderstanding and only further these misplaced labels. There is nothing to support that pitbulls, rotties or most other breeds are inherently more aggressive than most other breeds. The problem is that idiots teach those kinds of dogs to be aggressive or abuse them until the animal does not know any better. Most bully breed dogs that are raised in normal environments are sweet and good natured and are perfectly safe to have as a family pet. However, paranoia over dogs that simply look tough as hell often gets the best of us and as a result, normal dogs suffer when breed specific laws are passed. Shelters have issues dealing with these animals, who sometimes come in damaged from unforgiving circumstances, and they are put down at a higher rate. The animals suffer for the poor choices made by their owners and because of the flawed theory that they are naturally more ferocious.
While, of course, I Hope You're Not Squeamish fully endorse rescuing a dog that may not have another shot, we urge you to do your research before you do so. Many of these dogs need attention, compassion and patience beyond that of a normal dog. You must be prepared and informed on the proper way to handle and care for these animals. The Pitbull Resource Center can provide you with a significant amount of information if you are considering rescuing a bully breed dog. (Or any animal, really. There are right and wrong ways to introduce an new animal into your home and your decisions can have significant effects on both you and your pet. Be intelligent; read up before you adopt.)
Pinups for Pitbulls deserves accolades for shining a light on this often overlooked canine issue. They may be showing us their gams, but they're showing their smarts, too. Buy their calender, perfect to be hung in the garage or workshop, or in the kitchen if you got guts.
Pinups for Pitbulls
The Pitbull Resource Center
Stop Breed Specific Legislation
The term bully breed animals can refer to pure bred dogs such as true Pitbulls, Dobermans, or Rottweilers, etc., but can also mean dogs mixed with any of the above or even tough looking versions of other purebreds such as American Bulldogs or German Shepherds. In some instances, towns and cities have instituted laws and ordinances that limit ownership or even blatantly ban these breeds. These laws are based on ignorance and misunderstanding and only further these misplaced labels. There is nothing to support that pitbulls, rotties or most other breeds are inherently more aggressive than most other breeds. The problem is that idiots teach those kinds of dogs to be aggressive or abuse them until the animal does not know any better. Most bully breed dogs that are raised in normal environments are sweet and good natured and are perfectly safe to have as a family pet. However, paranoia over dogs that simply look tough as hell often gets the best of us and as a result, normal dogs suffer when breed specific laws are passed. Shelters have issues dealing with these animals, who sometimes come in damaged from unforgiving circumstances, and they are put down at a higher rate. The animals suffer for the poor choices made by their owners and because of the flawed theory that they are naturally more ferocious.
While, of course, I Hope You're Not Squeamish fully endorse rescuing a dog that may not have another shot, we urge you to do your research before you do so. Many of these dogs need attention, compassion and patience beyond that of a normal dog. You must be prepared and informed on the proper way to handle and care for these animals. The Pitbull Resource Center can provide you with a significant amount of information if you are considering rescuing a bully breed dog. (Or any animal, really. There are right and wrong ways to introduce an new animal into your home and your decisions can have significant effects on both you and your pet. Be intelligent; read up before you adopt.)
Pinups for Pitbulls deserves accolades for shining a light on this often overlooked canine issue. They may be showing us their gams, but they're showing their smarts, too. Buy their calender, perfect to be hung in the garage or workshop, or in the kitchen if you got guts.
Pinups for Pitbulls
The Pitbull Resource Center
Stop Breed Specific Legislation
Friday, January 1, 2010
Wasn't 2010 the Crappy Sequel?

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