Originally slated as an all day event at a gentleman's club in south Philly, this has been moved to Shampoo Nightclub (North 8th Street and Willow, near the Electric Factory), and has been divided into two events. The first is an all ages event from 1PM to 4PM and will feature speakers, pinup girls, art, adoptable animals and of course, PfP's world famous bully-breed calendar. The night time part of this shin dig is 21+ and features some of the area's best known burlesque dancers/models and is being hosted by Shorty and Hercules of Animal Planet's Pit Boss. The ladies of PfP go way back with Shorty and his rescue (they were featured on the premier episode) and between the drinks, food and ladies, this party for a cause promises to be a good time for all who attend.
Besides rehoming bully-breed dogs in need, one of the most important issues that Pinups for Pitbulls pursues is campaigning against breed specific legislation. BSL are laws and ordinances, usually at the town/city level, that make illegal or restrict ownership of certain types of dogs. The problem with blanket legislation is that it punishes docile, well behaved, trained and friendly animals based solely on their breed. Furthermore, there is little evidence that this is even effective in preventing attacks, since small dogs are just as likely to bite. (Though, admittedly, a Chihuahua is less likely to do major damage. Hence why there are statistics and reports of Pitbull attacks, but not so much on hostile 12 pound breeds. Just because it doesn't make the five o'clock news doesn't mean that some of those pocket pet pooches aren't capable of inflicting pain.) Furthermore, BSL just furthers the myth that Pits, Rotties, Dobermans, etc. are naturally more dangerous dog, when there is absolutely no evidence to back this up.
Please, if your place of residence is considering this type of action, educate yourself about the reality of the situation, and encourage your local government to punish the crime, not the breed. (Or even dogs that simply look "vicious." Often times German Shepherds, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, etc. are swept into the "Pitbull" category, along with mutts of all descriptions.) Pinups for Pitbulls can provide you with copious amounts of information on the topic, both at their awareness seminar on the 23rd and through their website.
Pinups for Pitbulls
ASPCA info on Breed Specific Legislation
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