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Friday, May 21, 2010

Vote for Whoever...

Ok, the primaries are over, so take your damn campaign signs down. Seriously, where is the responsibility of either the candidates or the staff/volunteers that put up these eyesores? You care enough about your community (whether that be local, state or national community) to put up political statements all over the place in hopes that your messiah will get elected to office and fix the problems that are important to you. Ok, I understand that and fully support your freedom of speech. But now that the ballots have been cast and you were either successful or not, take that shit down. You are doing nothing but being a blight on your neighborhood by leaving those cheap cardboard placards around. Or, if you are truly too lazy to undo what you have done, how about creating a job or two by hiring someone to take them down for you? Though personally I think that you are fouling up your town by erecting the signs every foot and a half on the grassy median down the middle of big roads, I'm not trying to be a nazi or anything. You have something to say, so say it. But be an adult and take it down in an appropriate time frame. I'm just sayin'.

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